Friday, April 30, 2010

You "New Me"

The war broke out years ago
And today, I'm still fighting
Still trying to stand up and battle
Even though my body is tired
And my mind weak
The memories of our warfare has come and gone
But they want fade
Simply because they are in constant rotation
Playing tunes of hurt and pain and even a little bit of oooh wee in my head
Sometimes I wish I were dead
Then I wouldn't have to endure the antagonizing pain of my 911 with you

See you came into my life in an instance
Very unexpectedly and in little time
However, you still managed to attack my foundation 
And break my standing walls
Allowing unwanted guest to enter my territory 
Now I'm in the company of a pest that refuses to leave
And I've tried everything in my power to turn off its light
Yet it burns more radiant than sun rays
Especially when I ignore it and try to move on

If I wasn't strong, I would have given up years ago
But just like the survivors of Hurricane Katrina, 
I shook the devil off and I stepped out on Faith
Believing in God to get rid of my pest 
And I went on a mission to rebuild what is rightfully mine
Now my territory is stronger, wiser, and better
And I owe it all to you

Because if you would have never knocked me down off of my high horse
Or rain on my parade
I would still be living my life lost
Without knowing my purpose
My Destiny 
My Godly will to be done

So I thank you 
For dropping the bomb on me
To reveal my true self
And for flooding my home
Washing away all my sins
And for destroying the one thing that held me back for years
And that was "My Old Self"

© 2009 All rights reserved to The MeSSenger

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