Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Eve's Reign

In one night, I lost myself in your masked deception
And my emotions became so firm and so intense
I literally, propelled them inside of your protective walls
Trusting you to incarcerate my heart and hold it as your prisoner

Your loving made me feel so desired and so free
Holding you in my arms and caressing your soft body
While kissing your sweet lips as our bodies began to warm from touching
Made me cheat on myself, breaking the laws of love

I was so intoxicated from an evening of intense bliss
I allowed my mind to be lured into a night of eccentric infatuation
I fell asleep with a the perfect dream come true
And I woke up to reality caressing the coldness of a cotton filled air bag

After I released my pillow from my grasp
I laid back on my bed and rested my head
Feeling as if I was dead
Because my heart and my body felt cold

And at that moment, I knew exactly how Adam had gotten into his situation
Just like me, he couldn’t resist the twist in Eve’s hips
The zest in her seducing gestures
And the mesmerizing appeal from her lips

Feeling isolated and confused
Unknowing of what was to come
All I could do was sit in silence
Praying to God to have mercy

But I knew my disobedience would yield punishment
Just as Adams did
Although I didn’t feel any pain
I knew that I had been bitten by a serpent in disguise

© 2010 All rights reserved to The MeSSenger

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