Like the titanic I'm treading on waters slowly sinking
Heart racing, pulse pacing, mind constantly thinking
Trying to figure out, how in hell did I get to this place
From sprinting to walking now crawling, trying to endure the race
Like a dying tree in the forest, I stand in pain
Praying to the healer, to send down the rain
So my roots can stop shaking and be so at ease
That I may once again be a cool breeze
But in a way, like a slave, I'm tired
Tired of fighting and working so hard everyday only to be fired
And replaced by the very people I've trained
Then off to another job I go, without anything gained
Sometimes I feel like a muppet
Controlled by the hands of another, like some cheap puppet
I know I am a real boy
But often times I feel like a toy
Being played with by society
And you wonder why I suffer with anxiety
If only you could walk in my shoes
Then maybe you'd understand what it feels like to lose
Patience I have, but hope seems thin
What must I do to turn this life of mine over again
Who do I have to prove what to
To end this cycle of constantly feeling blue
I wish I could rewind my emotions to when I felt free
I'd travel again and again back to happy me
I wouldn't care at all or have the slightest once of worry
Unfortunately, that's not my story
For my life is real and not make believe
The only way to be a winner is to constantly achieve
That's why even though I feel walked on like the ground
I can't dwell on it too long and keep my head down
Because I have so much to smile about
Even in chaos, my life, without a doubt, is worth a shout
So I must continue to pick back up these pieces of me
And unselfishly choose to be happy
Even though in my shoes lies a strain
Someone else is walking in more pain
So forgive me father for being ungrateful
I doubted you, but now I'm back faithful
I know that I may feel like the titantic
But I know that you will protect me and never leave me to sink
For you said in your word that you are able to do
Exceedingly and abundantly above all I can ask or think
And I know that you are not a man that you should lie
Therefore I will no longer cry
Instead, I will rejoice and be of good cheer in this place
And continue to thank you for your Amazing Grace
© 2011 All rights reserved to The MeSSenger
Real Nice Man Diggin it.