When you see me on Saturday night partying, having fun with my friends
Then you come into the house of the Lord Sunday morning and witness me singing,
Giving God praise and worship,
You ultimately begin to form your opinion of me
And you come to the conclusion that I am not saved,
And that I have no place before God,
And that I should feel ashamed to enter into His Holy presence
As I Am
You then have the audacity to put your mouth on me
Condemning me with your file tongue
And judging me before truly getting to know me
Who it is, that which, I am
And you have the nerve to speak negatively over my life
As if your walk in Christ
Is straighter and greater than mine
It's all a bit funny how you, with your 20/20 vision
Is able to see, very clearly, my faults
And when you look into a mirror
Your perfect vision, all-of-a-sudden, begins to fade
And the image of what you see becomes so distorted, so pixilated
That you literally photoshop the real you,
Camouflaging your flaws
Trying to convince people that you have it all together
I have learned that there are two types of church folk
There are those like myself, which I refer to as, "The Live Audience"
And there are those others of whom I call, "The Studio Audience"
See, the difference between us two is that
The studio audience often appears perfected
Everyone is trained of how to conduct themselves
How do look the part
What to say or do when the preacher does this or that
Or when the choir sings
You are usually controlled by the actions of who's operating before you
Opposed to who operates within you
The live audience on the other hand is often affected
Which means, we are bound to get off track here and there
We don't always look the part (whatever it is that the part looks like)
Or conduct ourselves in traditional ways or ways that's perceived to be correct
Sometimes, depending on how the spirit moves, we may become disorderly
And begin to go off task and interrupt service with our praise and worship
We usually don't care about who's watching us or who's putting their mouth's on us
Cause see, we move in spirit and in truth
And we are unafraid to show our true colors
Someone once asked me the question:
Does your lifestyle line up with your word?
And I contemplated on that for a moment before I answered
And to his dismay, I answered No
I would be foolish to say that it does
But I have come across a many of people,
Whom when I asked that question, they answered yes
And some of those same people look at me
The party guy and wonder how I became so blessed!
Well here is the answer for all of those of you who wants to know.
I never ever want my lifestyle to line up, with my word
Instead, every single day that I am here
I try my best to line up my life with His word
And because He knows my heart
And He loves me in spite of my wrongs
He continues to bless my coming and my going
And that alone, gives me reason to sing, and shout, and praise, and worship God
Not just on Sunday morning when you see me
But on Monday, Tuesday
I will Bless the Lord
On Wednesday, Thursday
I will Bless the Lord
And on Friday, Saturday
I will Bless the Lord
So to all of you so called church folk
I apologize if I am not worthy of the glory of God in your eyes
But as long as I live and to me God continues to give
I will be in the house on Sunday Morning standing before you
Giving God the highest praise
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