If you release your mind
And allow your brain to get to know me
It will learn that underneath all the rugged layers of my flesh
Lives a heart that hankers love
I admit, I’m a hard shell to crack
But once I’m open, I’m open and ready, willing, and able
To accept everything that love has to offer
That is until it gives me reason to seal
The beauty about life is the fact that it takes us on a journey
An unplanned adventure created for us to experience
Without any notice of where we will end
Or what/who we will end with
This mystery keeps things interesting
And all-the-more exciting
Thus makes it all worth living
It creates an expectance of the unexpected
With God has the author of life
My story has truly become my favorite book
Because it’s full of mystery, excitement, drama, and love
And its plot thickens daily
My anticipation to see what will happen next
Creates in me a strive to better myself
Because I wouldn’t want my story to end with a tragedy
Rather a personal and endearing memoir of an extraordinary man
When my daddy planted my seed inside my mommy
And she developed me for 9 months
Before releasing me to the world
God truly gave me a special gift…..LIFE
And when I look back over the years
Thinking about how far I’ve come since my birth
I finally realize that the thing I desired most (LOVE)
God had already given it to me before I was even born!
And for that, all I can say is thanks!
© 2010 All rights reserved to The MeSSenger